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Ruben Meza

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Ruben’s favorite scripture is 1 John 1:9, “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness,” This verse serves as a guiding light in his life, reminding him of the power of confession, forgiveness, and grace. When he is not working, you’ll often find him immersed in his favorite hobby: songwriting. Crafting worship songs is not just a pastime for him; it’s a heartfelt expression of his devotion and connection to God.

Beyond songwriting, his greatest joy comes from spending quality time with his wife, and their precious daughter. Whether it’s exploring nature, enjoying simple moments at home, or embarking on new adventures together, every moment with his family is cherished and treasured. In all aspects of his life, whether it’s creating music, nurturing relationships, or seeking spiritual growth, Ruben strives to live by the principles of faith, hope, and love. It’s his sincere desire to uplift others and spread God’s love wherever he goes.

Fun Facts

Q: If you could visit anywhere in the world you’ve never been, where would you go?

A: I would love to go to Israel! To walk where Jesus physically walked would be amazing!

Q:If you could only eat one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be?

A: A childhood mexican breakfast called, “papas and chorizo”

Q:What is your favorite dessert?

A: A glass of cold milk, break 3-4 chocolate chip cookies inside the cup, then I use a spoon to eat like cereal.