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Vic Malavé


Vic was raised in the Church, accepted Jesus early in his teen years, and started coming to Calvary Old Bridge with his lovely wife about two decades ago. He served in various ministries and landed in the DHG Ministry a few years back as a Home Group Leader of which he hosts in his home with his wife.

After High School, Vic had an interest in getting in the Broadcasting Field. His early work experience started with radio. He worked for 1010 WINS in NYC as an Engineering Operator. At the time he was getting married and was given an opportunity to work for the Technical Department of the Associated Press. After several decades, in various technical positions at the Associated Press, a Pastor and friend advised him to apply for the Bridge. He now knows this advice came from God.

Fun Facts

Q: What is your favorite family tradition?

A: Thanksgiving with daughters, sons-in-law and grandkids

Q:What’s your favorite hobby?

A: Reading about Eschatology, Ancient History, and SciFi

Q: What is your favorite dessert?

A: Blueberries with Sunflower Seed Spread